

2016年03月17-19日 The 10th International Conference of Asian Arts Management @Manila


The 10th International Conference of Asian Arts Management

Manila, Philippines 2016

In the general understanding, the purpose of arts management is to effectively deliver works of art and musical performances to viewers and listeners in theatres, concert halls, art museums, and other cultural institutions. The objective of arts management is to link the producer and the consumer through the medium of an artwork or cultural event.

Western-style arts management is a technique of accurately distributes art products by and for the members of the bourgeoisie. It is premised on the existence of a market for the consumption of such art, which is frequently referred to as "high art". Arts management includes the establishment of facilities for the arts, such as art museums and concert halls, the development of a system of financial support for the arts, formulating arts and cultural policy while ascertaining the balance between supply and demand, and managing arts activities.

In this project, we offer to challenge the orthodox, the Western model of arts management, which caters on the management of institutions, and propose the possibility for a distinctly Asian model. We believe that we can conceive of a model of arts management, in practice and as an academic subject, which is more in line with the nature of community and society in the various regions of Asia.

In the socio-cultural context, Japan and Philippines share some common grounds. Economic conditions have necessitated the shift toward socially inclusive arts management. As a result of economic crises and large-scale natural disasters, economic disparities have widened and employment inequality and the exclusion of minorities have intensified. In this context, people have begun to focus on arts activities as a channel for connecting social excluded persons in society.

PROGRAM DETAILS: 20160317.pdf

DATE: March 17-19, 2016

VENUE: Hotel Benilde

2016年03月09-10日 URP特別研究員(若手・先端都市)及びUCRC研究発表会(合評会)兼大阪マニラ都市研究フォーラム

2015年度 第2回目 プログラム




※特別研究員25分(発表15 分 + 質疑10 分)/ スペシャルセッション60分

3月09日 セッション S1-1~4      13:25~15:25   司会:高岡&堀(タイムキーパー)

3月09日 大阪マニラ都市研究フォーラム 13:25~18:15   司会:川井田&沼田

3月10日 セッション S3-1~5      10:00~12:25   司会:ジェイ&上村(タイムキーパー)

3月10日 セッション S4-1~5      13:30~15:35   司会:櫻田&箱田(タイムキーパー)

3月10日 セッション S5-1~5      15:50~17:30   司会:潘&上村(タイムキーパー)


2016年03月03-04日 The 14th URP Bangkok Urban Culture Forum 2016

"Urban Culture - Rural Culture: Overcoming a Dichotomy"

Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Chulalongkorn University

March 3­4, 2016 8:30AM ­- 3:30PM

Programme: 2016030304.pdf

Detail: http://www.urp.faa.chula.ac.th/urp/Forum.html

The annual URP Forum aims to create a space for graduate students and scholars to share their research in visual art, creative art, performance studies, dance, cultural studies, ethnomusicology, urban planning and related disciplines connected to the study of academic and vernacular interpretation of urban culture through arts.

2016年02月23日 The 14th URP Yogyakarta Academic Forum 2016

"A New Community Management Through Arts and Cultures"

Sasana Ajiyasa, Faculty of Visual Arts

Indonesia Institute of The Arts Yogyakarta

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Programme: 20160223.pdf

Detail: http://urp.fib.ugm.ac.id/news/13

Arts and culture strategies can be used to understand community context and celebrate community character in urban area. In this sense, community based on traditional art and culture can be seen as a narrative of a place in a time given. Nevertheless, this kind of community still facing the same problems from time to time. The biggest problem arise is management (organization, financial, regeneration).

The 14th Urban Research Plaza Forum 2016 will discuss "A New Community Through Art and Culture". It will emphasize on how traditional art and culture community in urban area preserve and survive among other community. In this case, the focus will be on management community in Japan and Indonesia.

By delivering this theme, the attention will be drawn into the effectiveness of community management in revitalizing or re-actualizing the traditional art. It is important to learn how this kind of community has been working in a wider society and gain a mutual understanding with people outside the community in order to create a community based on traditional art and culture. It also can be used to develop networking and to expand a community's role from audience to active participants. Art and cultural integration is absolutely needed when used as a tool to provide wide access for community in solving increasingly complex social issues, particularly in urban community.

2016年03月07日 おとあそび工房公演ふりかえりの会



チラシ: 20160307.pdf

2016年3月7日(月)18時半~21時 <参加無料・申込不要>

会 場:大阪駅前第二ビル6階(大阪市立大学サテライトキャンパス)108教室




司 会・コメンテーター:嶋田久美(日本学術振興会特別研究員)




京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科博士後期課程修了。現在、日本学術振興会特別研究員。専門は音楽学・美学。近年の研究テーマは、地域医療福祉における芸術活動の役割について。主要論文に「「装置」としての表現活動:ラ・ボルド病院、べてるの家を例として」(『美学』第63巻第1 号、2012年)、「コミュニティ音楽療法の射程:「制度」の観点から考える音楽療法士の役割」(『人間・環境学』第24巻、2016年)などがある。






沼田里衣 riinumata★gmail.com(★を半角@に置換してください)

